Evidence Based Healthcare puberty blockers review youth gender transition

Why did three journals reject puberty blocker study?

Professor Sallie Baxendale’s article in Unherd discusses her challenges in publishing a paper on puberty blockers’ impact on cognitive function. Despite facing rejection from three journals, her paper has now been published in a well-respected peer reviewed journal, shedding light on the minimal evidence and concerns about the impact of puberty blockers. Prof Baxendale’s Unherd article sheds light on issues in the peer review process.

International perspectives Reviews youth gender transition

Documentary raises serious concerns about Ireland’s youth gender care

A recent documentary aired by Ireland’s national broadcaster RTÉ brought to light concerns raised by leading doctors of Ireland’s Adult National Gender Service (NGS) regarding the treatment of Irish children with gender dysphoria. Their concerns have largely been ignored. Dr Moran and Prof O’Shea have lodged a formal complaint against the HSE with the health standards watchdog in Ireland(HIQA) alleging that the HSE have directed children from Ireland to gender clinics abroad which adhere to a model of care which can harm children, an allegation which the HSE firmly denies.